We were already excited about being featured in The Washington Post, but our week got even better when we found out that one of our favorite travel bloggers, Gary Leff, wrote about us on his blog View from the Wing!
You should definitely check out the whole post, though we really loved Gary’s thoughts on Magical Mystery Tours and the particular conditions he’d want if he did a mystery trip!
Anyway, I share this because I love innovative travel businesses, people finding ways to add value to the adventure lives of others in what’s otherwise a very difficult industry to be in.
And because — as obsessive a planner as I am — I could probably use taking a ‘mystery trip’ and turning my trip over to someone else entirely. Except that I’d probably insist domestic flights on American, and that anything international have confirmable upgrade space using my 100,000 mile flyer international upgrade certificates.
For all of you pondering whether a mystery trip is for you, what conditions would you require? What makes you nervous and what possibilities really excite you?
And if you’re not already reading View from the Wing, we can’t recommend it enough for the amazing tips on acquiring and making the most of miles and points.